Dear beautiful, creative souls,
Fall is usually a productive season, the air is cool and crisp, (or wet and soggy) after the lazy, hazy days of summer. The squirrels are busy digging up nuts or burying them, preparing for a cold winter. In my little corner of the world, this September and October were exceptionally warm, and inspite of that, I have been very busy organizing upcoming workshops and a full-day retreat,, as well as moderating an on-line book discussion for the bestselling book, Hear Yourself, How to Find Peace in a Noisy World by Prem Rawat. That’s been a fun and inspiring project which I hope we will do again in 2024.

At Cozy Creek, we continue our Open Studio for card creation and dialogue on the third Sunday of each month. Although, in January 2024, we will switch to the second Sunday of the month, to give some of you a chance who haven’t been able to come. It’s always held from 1-4 pm, with the option to stay for a one-hour card reading of your deck.
We just finished landscaping the property this summer and created a fire pit and seating area behind the Barn/Studio, so I’m hoping ome Solstice fires will happen there. We will definitely light the fires for Our Sacred Grief, Notre Deuil est Sacré full-day retreat at the end of November, an in-person event. See details below.
I also want to tell you about a few classes I’ve been invited to teach online with World of SoulCollage® in November 2023, and February 2024; and one on the Kaleidosoul, online community too in March. (French newsletter below, then Class Offerings)

Chères belles âmes créatives,
L'automne est généralement une saison productive, l'air est frais et vif (ou humide et détrempé) après les jours paresseux et brumeux de l'été. Les écureuils sont occupés à déterrer des noix ou à les enterrer, se préparant à un hiver froid. Dans mon petit coin du monde, les mois de septembre et d'octobre ont été exceptionnellement chauds, et malgré cela, j'ai été très occupée à organiser les prochains ateliers et une retraite d'une journée, ainsi qu'à animer une discussion en ligne sur le best-seller Hear Yourself, How to Find Peace in a Noisy World (Apprenez à s’écouter, Comment trouver la paix dans un monde bruyant) de Prem Rawat. Ce fut un projet amusant et inspirant qui, je l'espère, sera renouvelé en 2024.
À Cozy Creek, nous poursuivons notre atelier ouvert pour la création de cartes et le dialogue, le troisième dimanche de chaque mois. Cependant, en janvier 2024, nous passerons au deuxième dimanche du mois, pour donner une chance à certains d'entre vous qui n'ont pas pu venir. La séance a toujours lieu de 13h à 16h, avec la possibilité de rester pour une lecture d'une heure de votre jeu de cartes.
Nous venons de terminer l'aménagement paysager de la propriété cet été et nous avons créé un foyer dehors et un espace pour s'asseoir derrière la Grange/Studio, alors j'espère que certains feux du Solstice s'y produiront. Nous allons certainement allumer les feux pour Notre Deuil est Sacré, une retraite d'une journée à la fin du mois de novembre, un événement en personne. Voir les détails ci-dessous.
Je veux aussi vous parler de quelques cours que j'ai été invitée à donner en ligne avec World of SoulCollage® en novembre 2023, et février 2024 ; et un sur le Kaleidosoul, en ligne.

New IN-PERSON offering: Our Sacred Grief – Feeling, Healing and Celebrating in Community a full-day Retreat, Sunday, November 26.
I’m very excited to offer this bilingual event at Cozy Creek, a barn sized studio on 8 acres of woods in St, Lazare, Qc. November is a dark month, and traditionally the time when the veils between the worlds are thin. Come join myself, Lynne Cooper and Minnie Richardson for a profound yet playful journey through creative writing, theatre games, SoulCollage®, movement, ritual and community to honor and celebrate the depth and beauty of our sacred grief, whatever form it takes. Come dive deep into ceremony and creative play with us.
Notre deuil est sacré – Ressentir, guérir et célébrer en communauté : En cette période d'obscurité où les voiles entre les mondes sont minces, rejoignez moi-même, Lynne et Minnie pour un voyage à la fois profond et ludique à travers l'écriture créative, les jeux théâtraux, le SoulCollage®, le mouvement, le rituel et la communauté afin d'honorer et de célébrer la profondeur et la beauté de notre deuil sacré, quelle que soit la forme qu'il prend.
dimanche, le 26 novembre, 9:30 – 17h00, Cozy Creek Studio, St-Lazare, Qc
Apportez votre dîner. Inscription $118 pour une journée de retraite et exploration créative. Voir les bios des présentatrices sur mon site web.
Sunday, November 26, 9 :30 am – 5 :00 pm. Cozy Creek Studio, St Lazare, Qc; Bring your own lunch. Cost: $118 for a full day of creative exploration & retreat.
REGISTRATION/INSCRIPTION https://www.jenniferboire.com/event-details/our-sacred-grief-feeling-healing-and-celebrating-in-community
The ONLINE offerings
Thursday, Nov 9, 2023, 4 pm: ROOT TO GROW: Finding Safety & Security with the Root Chakra Companion, on World of SoulCollage® Personal Journey subscription. (Note: Personal Journey, on World of SoulCollage®, is where people go online to meet other SoulCollage® lovers; it’s a great deal – with a monthly 90-minute workshop included in your annual fee of $59.99 US. (That’s 12 workshops for $60, and they are all recorded so you can watch them later as well as access to the archived ones.) Join WOSC here: https://community.soulcollage.com/share/QS6Q2xDkkongcP0e?utm_source=manual

About the class: The root chakra is about feeling secure and at home in your body and in the world around you. When we feel a healthy flow of energy from our Root Chakra, we grow our courage, resourcefulness, and the ability to stand up to challenging situations. When our root chakra is open and balanced, we feel safe, like we belong in this world. This is the foundation for building self-esteem and self-worth. The benefit of working with the Companion suit with the SoulCollage® method is that we reconnect with our instinctual natures and increase our awareness of where our vitality may be lagging.
In this 90-minute workshop we will dialogue with our root Chakra companion card, practise some grounding exercises, reconnect with our bodies with some physical movement, and work in small groups; as well as share a discussion in the larger group about the factors that affect our sense of connection with our body, and practical things we can do to feel grounded and safe.
February 15, 2024, 4 pm EDT Learning from our Community Challengers on WOSC in Personal Journey (see note above on how to join).
We all have people we love, maybe even friends close to us, who are also challenging to be with. Perhaps one of your siblings often triggers old childhood patterns or wounds in you, or a close friend is always trying to improve you, or someone you see regularly leaves you feeling drained afterwards. But what if we changed our perspective, and saw these challengers as teachers who can help us grow our compassion, our empathy? Some of these challengers may even motivate us to grow into our best selves –for instance, a demanding teacher, a coach or mentor, may push us into new areas of expertise, and help us gain confidence.
We can learn a great deal about ourselves if we take a closer, more compassionate look at someone with whom we have interpersonal conflicts. In this 90-minute class, we will use our SoulCollage® deck to work with some of our community challengers.
Saturday, March 2, 3 pm EST on KaleidoSoul; Voicing our Body, working with the Companion Suit, part of a 6-part series The Great Big SoulCollage® Companions Suit Celebration of 2024 is a magical, informative, experiential deep dive into the mysterious realm of Animal energies + our physical energies via the SoulCollage® Companions Suit, aka “The Suit of Many Colors”. Organized by Anne-Marie Bennett at KaleidoSoul, online.
Registration opens Nov 1, 2023: https://kaleidosoul.com/2024-companions
Voicing our Body in the Companions Suit is the third in the series which starts in January. The wonderful thing about using our SoulCollage® cards, is that they can help us give a voice to all our parts. Although an obvious starting point for finding our Voice in the Companion suit may appear to be the Throat or 5th chakra, actually, the truthful expression of our reality, of our unique needs and values, is also connected to how present we are in our root, crown, heart, solar plexus, creative center, and intuitive (3rd eye) centers.
Dialoguing directly with the areas of the body and the animals that reside there can bring important messages for our vitality, health and well-being while also connecting us to the natural world of animal energies. In this class I propose some creative exercises to help you connect and listen to your body through centering and visualization, poems, and consulting and dialoguing with your cards.
We’ll choose a Companion or animal card we’d like to know better and share it in small groups. I’ll also give you some exercises to do on your own, so you can continue practicing Voicing the Body through journaling, movement and vocalizing.
NOTE: the cost of 7 classes is $ 420 US. If you’re NOT a Kindred Spirit Member, please join us here and get the 50% discount! ($210 US).
SoulCollage - * The Great Big SoulCollage® Companions Suit Celebration of 2024 - KaleidoSoul click to register, and go to bottom of page

Listening to my body: SoulCollage(R) card
Last but not least, our next creative play time with SoulCollage®. The next Open Studio is on Sunday Nov 19, 1-4 pm. The fee for one drop-in session is $20.00.
In December, Open Studio is on Sunday Dec 17, 1-4 pm, also $20.00 (always a bilingual event). Vous êtes invitées à parler de vos cartes dans votre langue maternelle.