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The Heroine's Quest at Mid-Life

The mid-life quest is a journey to reclaim the Feminine values of intuition, rest and receiving inner knowing.

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The Heroine's Quest at Mid-Life
The Heroine's Quest at Mid-Life


26 nov. 2024, 19:00 – 21:00

Zoom Meeting

À Propos de l'Évènement

What is the Heroine’s journey? At midlife, there is a new quest going on, a search for fulfillment, meaning and purpose. The quest involves crossing the threshold into the unknown, leaving what doesn't serve behind. It's a time for reclaiming personal power through a descent to the Inner Feminine, and a return with new knowledge. Explore the themes and archetypes ruling your story using SoulCollage®, visualization, myth and journaling with Jennifer Boire, MA, author of The Tao of Turning Fifty. Previous experience with SoulCollage® is a benefit, but not required (contact me for more info). This class has proven beneficial, inspiring and transformative to those women who have taken it with me before (since 2016). 

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